Wonderland Talks to Modern Synthesis' CEO Jen Keane About Their Collaboration with GANNI

Wonderland interviews Modern Synthesis CEO and co-founder Jen Keane about the company’s collaboration with GANNI and the importance of innovation in the fashion industry.

Modern Synthesis collaborated with GANNI to produce a bou bag made of bacterial nanocellulose. Unlike the cowhide bou bag, this nanocellulose bag produces 65 times fewer greenhouse gas emissions.

Keane discusses their experience in Manufacturing Futures, an innovation challenge from the Fashion District. The challenge aims to bring sustainable solutions to the fashion industry. Keane expressed how initiatives like these are pivotal for the industry and how the experience provided insight into better collaboration.

The interview explores innovation, sustainability, collaboration, and Modern Synthesis’ mission. Keane discusses the inspiration behind Modern Synthesis and her experimentation with bacterial nanocellulose.