Soil Exploration Program
Aurelian Ammon, Armin Aschenbrenner, Ludovica Galleani d'Agliano
The Soil Exploration Program is a speculative organization that aims to bring focus down to the earth and the valuable microbes that live within its soil.
Soilution Kit
Bamna Dadashzadeh, Jolanda Jerg, Shafira Nugroho, Riva Pinto, Plengpai Ratnajarn
The Soilution Kit is an app and accompanying field kit to encourage farmers to care about and learn from long-term data about the quality of their soil.

Instructors 2022
Karmen Franinović
Karmen Franinović is Professor of Interaction Design at Zurich University of the Arts and the founder of Enactive Environments Lab. She is moved by the desire to explore complex and ephemeral processes, be it a soundscape, a material or an ecosystem. Focused on embodied and spatial interaction, Franinović worked on the design of large scale public buildings and created participatory urban environments, active materials, shape-changing sculptures, haptic floors and wearables. She holds the Laurea degree in Architecture from Venice University, the MA from Interaction Design Institute Ivrea and the PhD degree in Art and Media from Plymouth University, Planetary Collegium. Franinović shares her research widely, through publishers such as MIT Press and venues such as Centre Pompidou.
Duy Bui
Duy Bui is a research and teaching assistant at Interaction Design, Zurich University of the Arts and member of the Verein Baustell in Zurich. Duy works in research projects, installation, photography, film and fictional media and seeks the in-between and far beyond. His optimism comes from his friends and the stories they tell together.
Advisors 2022
Joëlle Bitton
Joëlle Bitton is an artist and a human-computer interaction researcher. She is currently the head of the BA interaction design at the Zurich University of the Arts. With her works, Joëlle explores a sense of intimacy and personal geography with machines and systems that are usually considered cold or unfriendly. In her doctoral thesis at Harvard Graduate School of Design, she created interactive fabrication processes with personal data as a way for individuals to have an intuitive control of machines. At MIT Media Lab Europe in Dublin, she explored the mediation of technologies in human relationships and their potential social impact, notably with the projects "RAW" and "Passages". She also conducted similar research studies on the creative uses of technologies at Culture Lab, Newcastle University. She advocates in her practice for open and inclusive conversations about technologies that could appear intimidating to some.
Dr. Roman Kirschner