School of the Art
Institute of Chicago
Projects | 2016
Bailey Beatt, Maurice Hampton, Jackie Huang, Sam Scheib
A set of spiny panels, Dewpoint draws inspiration from cacti’s ability to efficiently collect and store water droplets from fog.

Synthetic Wetlands
Meimei Song, Catherine Whaley, Ana Zhang
An art and education space situated on the shore of Mono Lake in California, Synthetic Wetlands offers a prototype of a living bathhouse that uses and recycles the water of the lake to promote greener modes of water usage.
Taylor Cleveland, Dasol Hong
Lachrymo is an aesthetic experiment that asks people to drink the tears of those suffering from poor or polluted water resources as a provocation to action.
Dr. Heather Dewey-Hagborg
Dr. Heather Dewey-Hagborg is a transdisciplinary artist and educator who is interested in art as research and critical practice. Her controversial biopolitical art practice includes the project Stranger Visions in which she created portrait sculptures from analyses of genetic material (hair, cigarette butts, chewed up gum) collected in public places.
Heather has a PhD in Electronic Arts from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. She is an artist fellow at AI Now, an Artist-in-Residence at the Exploratorium, as well as Science Center, and is an affiliate of Data & Society.