Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Projects | 2017
Mannion O’Connor, Vijay Nambiar, Jesse Goguen, Will Rugo, Sydney Cheng, Jerry Huang, & John Klingelhofer
Moss-Fet is a DIY educational campaign to promote the use of renewable energy. Potential modifications include water remediation systems, the scale of the system itself, and the medium used to produce electricity.
Kathy High
Kathy High is an interdisciplinary artist working in the area of technology, science and art. She produces videos, photographs, writings, performances and installations about gender and technology, empathy, and animal sentience.
Her most recent art works include a video documentary about green or natural burials, entitled Death Down Under; and a performance/visual arts project called Blood Wars that uses white blood cells to test an individual’s strengths. These projects have allowed High to investigate areas such as decomposition and the immune system. Her work can be found at
Nancy Diniz
Nancy Diniz is a registered architect and researcher. Before joining RPI she held several academic positions in China, UK, Italy and in Portugal in the areas of Architecture, Interior architecture, Environmental Technology and Interactive Design. Her main research and teaching interests question traditional scale boundaries between design disciplines – Fashion, Product, Architecture and Computer Science. Lately she has been prototyping modular and scalable systems that go from people to envelopes of buildings, exploring notions of wearable and mobile materials with real-time environmental information exchange properties.