Going Interplanetary: Biodesign in Space: 5/4 + 5/11

The Biodesign Challenge Alumni Board presents, Going Interplanetary: Biodesign in Space.

What is humankind’s place in the universe and who gets to ask? The artists, designers, and biologists in this series speak about their space-related artwork, designs, and experiments—all of which challenge our imaginations and how we envision interplanetary futures.

Through interviews and presentations, interdisciplinary speakers will offer their perspectives on the social, ethical, biological, and technological limits of exploring the universe.


May 4, 2022 - Interviews + Panel Discussion

May 11, 2022 - Presentations + Panel Discussion


  • Luis Guzmán | Sojourner 2020, PlanSat projects

  • Sara Nejad | Newlab, Product Realization Specialist (BioLab)

Image credit: Xin Liu and Lucia Monge, Unearthing Futures (2020)

Image description: a zoomed-in view of dried potato berry against a pitch black background with studio light over itself. as if floating in space.