New York University IDM
Chereen Tam, Erin (Weiran) Tao, Gopika Krishnan
The project proposes a series of technological devices that provide human-scale agency to microorganisms.
S-kin Companion
Sophie Ye, Shinnosuke Komiya
S-kin Companion is a tattoo interface that detects your current skin microbiome and expresses the composition through a generative pattern.

Instructor 2022
Dr. Elizabeth Hénaff
Dr. Elizabeth Hénaff is a computational biologist and designer. At the center of her research is a fascination with the way living beings interact with their environment. This inquiry has produced a body of work that ranges from scientific articles in peer-reviewed journals, to collaborations with landscape architects, to artist residencies in environments from SVA to the MIT Media Lab.
Her academic trajectory started with a Bachelors in Computer Science, followed by a Master’s in Plant Biology (both from UT Austin) and a PhD in Bioinformatics from the University of Barcelona, followed by postdoctoral work at Weill Cornell Medicine and the MIT Media Lab. More information can be found at