HKU University of the Arts Utrecht

Instructor 2023

Shirley Niemans works at the Centre for Creative Technology at HKU and is part of the Art, Technology, and Ecology project group. She developed and ran Lab Pastoe, a new experimental space for materials research and crossovers between techniques, and currently works on the redevelopment of the HKU Biolab. She holds a BA in interactive art and music (KABK and KC, The Hague), and an MA in New Media and Digital Culture. She recently graduated from the BioHack Academy at Waag Amsterdam and is exited to be part of the developments around bioArt, biodesign and circular making.


Kas Houthuijs has a background in neurobiology and biomedical sciences, but his real interest is in the interdisciplinary field of art and ecology. Real innovation happens where the visions of different fields can question and enhance each other. At HKU he teaches BioLab for Designers as a course and at the Waag Future Lab in Amsterdam he teaches the BioHack Academy. Kas believes that artists and designers have great responsibility in the sustainability transition, and he tries to aid this goal through education.


Than van Nispen As a master in both Music and Biology Than van Nispen lectures on both the domains of composition in context, like film and game music, as well as biological and ecological approaches to art, music and sound. Than is a lecturer and researcher at HKU School of Music and Technology where he lectures mostly on Sonic Interaction Design, (interactive) composition in contexts and art & ecology. He is also a music composer for (interactive) live concerts, (art)games and interactive installations.