ATARRAYA Universidad de Los Andes
Vespa do Sol
Camila Gómez, Kiria Quinde, Micaela Rivera, Liah Pacheco
The team developed a photoelectric system based on the biological structure of the Oriental hornet (Vespa orientalis).
Instructors 2022
Giovanna Danies
Giovanna Danies is a biologist from Bogotá, Colombia. She pursued her master’s degree in plant pathology at Universidad de los Andes and received a PhD in plant pathology from Cornell University in 2015. There, she was selected by the Directors of Graduate Studies in the Plant Sciences graduate fields to receive the Barbara McClintock Award. Giovanna currently teaches an introductory course in plant pathology at and advises undergraduate and masters students in the Laboratory of Mycology and Phytopathology (LAMFU) at Universidad de los Andes.
Maria Paula Barón Aristizabal
Maria Paula Barón Aristizabal is a professor at Universidad de Los Andes where she studied design. Maria also received a master's degree in Textiles at the Glasgow School of Art in Scotland. In 2014, she became a full-time professor at Universidad de Los Andes and participated in the creation of the Master's Degree in Design program, where she served as the academic coordinator for 4 years. As a teacher, she mainly teaches design language and design thinking, her research orbits around empathy, storytelling, biodesign, and design thinking as a transformative axis of education. In her projects she has collaborated with different departments such as psychology, history, engineering. She has worked in the Colombian Pacific and the Caribbean coast.