Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey - Querétaro
Oscar Carrasco Morales, Karen Beatriz Corona Rodríguez, Regina Montserrat Romero Fernández, Samantha Pérez Uribe, Carlo César Ramírez Santos
The team created a biodegradable art kit to encourage young Mexicans to observe Day of the Dead while also combating food waste. Team members made watercolors from food waste and a skull-shaped palette from recycled paper and seeds.
Finalist Team
Iván Licona Vázquez, Natalia Said Muñoz, Mariel Quintero Román
MANGOK looks at a main source of agricultural waste in Mexico—mangoes—as a source material for fiberboard. The team explored how to use this fiberboard to create products such as toothbrushes.

The aMAÍZing Project
Andrea Sánchez Loeza, Lucía Alexandra Torres Serrano, Mauricio Zavala Campos, Vanessa Olivas Espinosa, Andrea Amy Balderas
This project focuses on using corn hairs, a part of the corn that usually goes to waste, to create small accessories or to be used in ornamental needlework.

Instructors - 2021
Grisel Fierros
Grisel Fierros has bachelor's degrees in Pharmaceutical Biology and Chemistry and a master's degree in Experimental Biology from San Nicolas de Hidalgo University. She earned her PhD in Advanced Technology at CICATA Instituto Politecnico Nacional and was a Postdoctoral Research Scientist at Florida A&M University in 2017. Grisel is a professor at Tecnologico de Monterrey and has been the Biotechnology Program Director since 2018. Her research is focused on bacterial resistance to heavy metals and treatment of industrial waste.
Kalaumari Mayoral Peña
Kalaumari Mayoral Peña earned his bachelor’s degree in Biotechnology Engineering at Tecnologico de Monterrey and master’s degree in Food Science and Technology at the Autonomous University of Queretaro. He was a professor at the Tecnologico de Monterrey from 2015 to 2017, teaching classes about biosensors, biomaterials, and biotechnology. Kalaumari has participated as mentor in the Biomolecular Design (BIOMOD) Competition since 2016. He participated on a research project about the development of a sanitary system for rural communities, financed by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and CONACYT. He was selected in 2017 as one of the "100 Young Latin American Leaders in Biotechnology" by the AllBiotech Summit. Kalaumari is currently a PhD student in Biotechnology at Tecnologico de Monterrey and a Research Trainee in Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, and MIT. His research is focused on the development of accessible devices for detection and monitoring of cancer and cardiovascular disease.
Rosario Flores Vallejo
Rosario Flores Vallejo is a young researcher within biotechnology. She graduated with a bachelor’s degree in biotechnology engineering at Tecnologico de Monterrey and a master’s degree at the Centre of Biotechnological Research (CEIB, UAEM). In 2018, she was selected as one of the '100 Leaders in Biotechnology' in LATAM by the organization Allbiotech. Her current work is focused on investigating the endophytomicrobiome of medicinal plants and their biosynthetic potential through OMIC tools. She considers that nature is a great teacher; an amazing source of inspiration to create novel materials and designs that could improve different aspects of our daily activities.