Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey - Querétaro
Oscar Carrasco Morales, Karen Beatriz Corona Rodríguez, Regina Montserrat Romero Fernández, Samantha Pérez Uribe, Carlo César Ramírez Santos
The team created a biodegradable art kit to encourage young Mexicans to observe Day of the Dead while also combating food waste. Team members made watercolors from food waste and a skull-shaped palette from recycled paper and seeds.
Finalist Team
Iván Licona Vázquez, Natalia Said Muñoz, Mariel Quintero Román
MANGOK looks at a main source of agricultural waste in Mexico—mangoes—as a source material for fiberboard. The team explored how to use this fiberboard to create products such as toothbrushes.
The aMAÍZing Project
Andrea Sánchez Loeza, Lucía Alexandra Torres Serrano, Mauricio Zavala Campos, Vanessa Olivas Espinosa, Andrea Amy Balderas
This project focuses on using corn hairs, a part of the corn that usually goes to waste, to create small accessories or to be used in ornamental needlework.