Southern California
Institute of Architecture


Projects | 2016



Mun Yi Cheng, Caleb Fisher, Fangyuan Hu, Brendan Ho, Ryan Odom, Anthony Stoffella & Xiangtia Sun

A panel inside homes on which organisms like lichen or slime mold grow and behave as biosensors and living art, Mutua offers a fresh, living concept for interior design.


Growing Buildings

Pairing drones with living organisms, Growing Buildings seeks to heal urban infrastructure with bacteria and slime mold that produce organic sealants.  


Bacterial Geometry

Shilpa Sushil, Emre Turan, Tarun Hari, Ivy Chan, Yichao Li

The project creates complex and colorful geometry using a bacteria that feeds on salts that degrade infrastructure and produces pigments.



Elli Alaee, Agustina, Alaines, Oren Harris, James Kubiniec, Sara Milani Nia, Galileo Morandi

By extruding Bacillus pasteurii, a bacteria known for its ability to create cement, Sandnet imagines abstract desert structures grown to stop desertification.




M. Casey Rehm

M. Casey Rehm is a designer and algorithmic consultant based in Los Angeles. He received a MSAAD from Columbia University in 2009 and his BARCH from Carnegie Mellon University in 2005. He has extensive architectural experience, working for firms in New York, Los Angeles, Berlin, and London on projects of all scales. In addition to his professional experience, Casey has been a full time faculty member at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, assisted studios at Columbia University, the University of Pennsylvania, and the Pratt Institute and taught workshops at The University of Kentucky. Currently he teaches graduate design studios and seminars at SCI-Arc in Los Angeles.